The Omen Birds Of The Infernal Empire

Many animal species have adapted to the new world after the Collapse of the Planes Beyond into the Material World. The magical energies now reside in the Mana Field that permeates all that exists and are somewhat easier to access. New creatures emerged in the fiery crucible of the Collapse, able to exploit this new cosmic status quo.
The Omen Birds have sensory organs shaped like horns: through them, the birds can perceive energies in the astral range of the magical spectrum (the part connected to thoughts and emotions). Every species can sense specific feelings and moods from far away and use what they learn for their benefit. They are called Omen Bird because they often gather where these emotions are stronger, giving the passer-by a hint of what is happening or will happen soon. Nine of these birds are especially well known since they live in specific Principality of the Empire and somewhat embody the spirit (or the stereotype) of that nation.

The vizier can sense confidence, pride, self-esteem, and arrogance. The Vizier's aim is to create a symbiosis with other animals, mainly deer or buffalo. The Vizier will clean the companion and warn them of danger, in exchange for food and protection. The vizier will go as far as helping their “master” during the mating season, bothering or endearing suitors, as needed. A flock of Vizier will match the hierarchy of the herd they are “serving” so that the leading bird will pair with the highest status individual. The viziers will fight for their place in the flock both directly and indirectly, trying to uplift their “clients”. The Vizier bonds mainly with herbivores but there are accounts of Vizier following packs of wolves or prides of mountain lions. The Vizier lives mainly in the shadowy wilderness of Nessus. It’s not uncommon to see some of them in the cities, especially Goetia, the Imperial Capital. Their name is used for the sycophants, careerists, and lackeys crowding the Imperial Court. The viziers try to live with humans, perching on balconies and entering homes, but they are terrible pets: needy and demanding they will hurt or even kill other pets as they see them as competitors for the “master” affection.

The Sorrow Hawks can sense despair, sadness, disorientation, gloom.
They use this sense to track their prey: lost mice, frightened rabbits, wounded birds. The Sorrow Hawks live in Cocytus and nest on high ground, be it the summit of a tall rock or the top of high trees. Sorrow Hawks are used as a sort of a boogeyman: “if you don’t cheer up a Sorrow hawk will catch you!”. There is a famous tale about a heartbroken lover who kills himself waiting for the Hawks to take him. Some say Sorrow Hawks push the wavering would-be suicide off the cliffs.

The Hermit crane can sense curiosity, thirst for knowledge, inquisitive minds, and snooping around. The Hermit Crane wants to be alone and use their sense to keep a distance from anyone especially the ones that are looking for something. This crane is slow and methodical and feeds dredging river beds and marshes for algae and small fishes. They use sticks, mud, and grass as camouflage, creating a complex nest-like structure to blend better in the surroundings. Adult Hermit Cranes are so entangled in their “costumes” that they can’t fly, having the wings trapped in layers of dirt and vegetation, some of which grow directly on their bodies ( but they don’t seem to mind). The Hermit Cranes find each other for the mating season through complex and hunting songs, and the sounds of these callings are the only way to know their territories. The crane lives along the Phlegeton and Acheron rivers and has become the symbol of the Flagellants, an ascetic monastic order of Cania.

The Bloodshed Vultures can sense rage, violence, blood lust, antagonism.
They eat carrion and use their sense to be where dead bodies will soon appear: a fight among a pack, a hunting party, a battlefield. The Bloodshed Vultures live in Erebus and nest on the mountains in nooks among the rocks. Sometimes Bloodshed Vultures instigate violence and conflict, taunting predators and prey alike in the hope of a fight. They are a common sight on the battlefields and the source of many superstitions among soldiers. They are regular “spectators” of the fighting sports, perching on the walls of arenas and coliseums.

The perennial Cuckoo can sense surprise, novelty, confusion and bewilderment. Like the “normal” cuckoo, this variety of cuckoo is a brood parasite, planting its eggs in other birds' nests so that its chicks will feed at the expense of the host offspring. The perennial cuckoo keeps its juvenile aspect and infiltrates nests all its life, stealing food from its fake families and sometimes eating its pretend siblings. The Perennial Cuckoo’s sense for the novel and unfamiliar help them find new parents ( better if overwhelmed first-timers) as well as confused and recently hatched broods. It is speculated that its special sense helps the perennial cuckoo to keep their ruse running and warn or when they’re going to be spotted. These birds are excellent mimic and their horns and teeth can be spotted only on close inspection. They live in the fields and woods of Malebolge, sometimes venturing into the farms where they try to live among chickens. Finding out that one of your chicks is a Perennial Cuckoo is a very bad luck omen, but it’s worse if a cuckoo appears near a newly born child: it is seen as a sign that the mother doesn’t know what she’s doing. The biggest criminal syndicate of Malebolge is named after this bird.

The Joy Quail can sense satisfaction, contentment, satiety, fulfillment.
They are small omnivores that feed on crumbs and leftovers of other animals, so they use their sense to find full bellies and take advantage of what is left. The colorful plumage is a warning because their flesh is bitter and toxic. The Joy Quails live in the grasslands of Maladomini, usually near farms. They are welcome presence during harvest festivals and celebrations, the more they appear the more a party is considered a success. Joy Quail are countryside birds but are brought to the cities for weddings as a good luck charm.

The leeching bird can sense laziness, drowsiness, lack of energy, and sloth. The small Leeching bird feeds on the blood of mammals and looks for the most docile and least responsive target. They usually appear in the night, but their incessant hunger makes them active any time of the day, alternating deep long periods of sleep with frantic bursts of activity. They live along the river Styx and its swamps, especially the delta. Their preferred preys are the Capibaras (large and slow rodents) but they settle for anything: it’s impossible to nap or just rest in the swamps without being bothered by a couple of Leeching Birds. They can be used in medical practice as a replacement for leeches, as they are considered more efficient, delicate, and less disgusting (but also more expensive). In Stygia butcher shops and slaughterhouses are traditionally near schools and other places filled with children: it is believed that youthful energy is a repellent for the Leeching Birds.

The Hoarding Magpie can sense attachment to things, pride of owning, excitation for a new gaining, fear of losing something.
They use their sense for two reasons. The first is to find food, be it the stash of food for the winter of a squirrel or the nest of other birds. Secondly, they use it for mating: male Hoarding Magpies collect objects to impress the females, not only shiny things but also things of sentimental value: intimate letters, cherished souvenirs, mementos of the loved one. The sense of grief caused by the loss of a precious item is a signal for the female that a suitable mate is around. They live in the cities of Dis, nesting between the monuments and under the roofs of palaces and mansions.

The Eros Macaw can sense lust, arousal, and sexual desire. This bird is traditionally lumped with the omen bird even if, technically, can’t sense emotions. The Eros Parrot has antennae that capture the bodily humors as they transpire from the skin, specifically the sanguine humor, connected to sex and vitality. These parrots live in the Flesh Fileds a vast stretch of amorphous muscles, fat, bones, and skin. This unsettling region is home to many strange creatures that have adapted to the peculiarities of the environment. The Eros Makaws can’t pierce the thick Groundskin to eat the meat underneath, so they look for freshly formed tissues, especially the ones growing on the Bonestrees, the so-called “carnations”. Apparently a “blossoming” carnation has, for the macaw, the same smell of an aroused humanoid. The bird has become the favorite mascot of the prostitutes and brothels of Minauros, both secular and sacred. People who live in the Scarlands, the region bordering the Flesh Fields, is used to see the Macaws and don’t really pay attention to them, but if one of these birds is spotted in a town just a little far off, giggle and gossip will arise: who is so horny that an Eros Macaw has arrived?
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